Leading You to a Healthy, Beautiful Body in Just 8 Weeks
Go From Out of Shape, Frustrated & Stuck to Sexy, Confident & Full of Life! Get started with the 5 Day Fresh Start

Christina will help you see results fast through proven techniques, guided programs and proper education.
Weekly Meal Planning
Success through proper, enjoyable meals. With Christina's guidance, it's never been easier.
General meal plans created to help you balance your meals, remove the guesswork and eat healthier without sacrificing taste.
Don't get lost with overly-generalized meal plans. Get with Christina to truly forge an effective nutrition program.
Meet Christina
Who is Christina and Why You Should Get to Know Her...
With 19 years of experience in nutrition and fitness, Christina combines results-oriented principles with simplified and realistic approaches to help you achieve your dream body and lifestyle.

Christina's Recent Blog Posts
Is It Smart To Exercise While Healing From An Explant Surgery?
Healing after your explant surgery requires a tremendous amount of energy (plus…
Will Solely Explanting Heal You From Breast Implant Illness?
Achieving (and maintaining) optimal health is the result of consciously taking care…
Small Boobs Are In!
*a Size: Happy original post We need to stop saying what size…
Permission Granted
*a Size: Happy original post Giiiirl, I’m giving you permission! 🖤Permission to…
When’s The Best Time To Return To Work After Explant Surgery
For those questioning “is a week long enough to stay home from…
12 Things That Could Be Hindering Your Healing Post Explant
One of the biggest concerns women have when deciding on whether or…
Success Stories
"For me, I must have started 827 times before I finally got it right. And that’s no exaggeration. My “fitness journey” began when I was 14 years old (in 1997), after I decided to pick up a fitness magazine off the shelf at the grocery store I was cashiering at..."
City, State
"Sed massa libero, condimentum quis pharetra tempus, semper dapibus ante. Nulla placerat felis eget accumsan gravida.Quisque nec quam sed lorem pretium eleifend tempus sit amet odio. Vivamus ultrices dolor eu ante consectetur, feugiat gravida magna pretium. Fusce ut fermentum turpis."
City, State
"Aenean ac turpis venenatis, faucibus turpis non, scelerisque quam. Praesent mattis condimentum tempus."
City, State