Notes About Self-Love With Sarah Phillipe
I had the privilege to chat with Sarah Phillipe from Reversing Breast Implant Illness and her Group of 1,1oo women today!
Here’s a breakdown of what we discussed.
What is Size: Happy?
Size: Happy is a movement and this is the message –
- We embrace, appreciate and love our body during every phase of our journey.
- Our worth and confidence isn’t determined by a number or size – it’s measured by all the things that make us happy and make us feel good.
- Happiness is something that we are choosing to experience right now, no matter what our current breast size, jean size or body size is.
- We don’t wait until we achieve a certain size or have that tangible thing to live in happiness – we live with it here and now, while still working towards our goals and big dreams.
- We do not live by societies standards (or anybody’s opinions) of what’s in or considered to be pretty – we live by our own rules and make up our own minds as to what we feel is beautiful.
I’m a rebel naturally, so I don’t typically follow norms or conform to labels.
The way I see it, “whose to tell me what’s beautiful, in or trendy this season?” Not some magazine or celebrity gossip channel, that’s for sure.
Here’s the fact – you’re going to be “too much” or “not enough” for some people.
And oh-freaking-well. That’s their issue and not yours to carry around or believe.
What does self-love look like to you and what would you say to those who are struggling with it?
My definition of self love is doing anything that makes you feel pretty or makes you happy.
That could be anything from:
- painting your own nails
- taking a hot bubble bath
- getting dressed up for no reason
- getting a massage on your lunch break
- saying no when you really want to say no
- setting boundaries (this is super important)
- eating in a way that serves you and your goals
- playing with animals (one thing that makes me so happy every time)
- watching a movie or reading a book instead of finishing your to-do list
- eliminating, removing or decreasing all the things and people that don’t serve you
If you’re struggling with self-love, you might need to unravel a lot of old programming, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that isn’t true, serving you or allowing you to grow and evolve.
We pick up a lot of things subconsciously throughout our life from the people closest to us, strangers and even tv and magazines.
Our past experiences, relationships and interactions shape up into who we are today.
One of the best things you can start with is to dig deep into understanding where these thoughts and feelings are stemmed from, and then identifying if they are in fact actually true (which 99% of the time they’re not).
As you go through this process, do not judge what comes up. Do not dwell on a thought or past experience for too long.
Allowing yourself to feel “negative emotions” is one of the fasted ways to heal.
You must feel to fully heal.
From your years of struggling with self-love and coaching hundreds of women, what are your best pieces of advice or things women can do to start living with more self-love and start fully embracing their new body?
- Ask yourself , What do I have control of?
Your health, happiness, attitude and actions are four of the biggest ones.
Everything else that you don’t have control of, such as:
- your breast size after surgery
- what the pains going to be like
- what happens to you on the surgery table once you’re under anesthesia
you need to release and let go of.
At the end of the day you’re going to have surgery and you’re going to have smaller breasts. That’s all you know for sure.
What’s in your control is the fact that you can pray that everything goes well, hand it over to whoever you believe in and have faith.
*trust me, I’m a control freak do this takes work
2. Change your thoughts and the words you use.
Thoughts are powerful. More powerful than you may know.
I talked about this in one of my other blogs, but words like “can’t, scared, mad, ugly,”, etc. literally weaken the body, whereas things like “I’ll figure it out, I can do this, everything’s going to go smooth, I’m going to feel amazing” strengthen the body and carry a different vibrational frequency.
I know… it’s woo-woo, but it’s a fact.
On the topic of thoughts and words, social media needs to be brought up.
If you’re following an account and you notice that you’re always sitting there comparing your looks or body to anothers, which is leaving you feeling less then or not enough, I highly encourage you to unfollow that account.
You sitting there comparing isn’t allowing you to grow.
It’s keeping you stuck, destroying your mental health and brain washing you into believing that everyones lives are perfect and flawless – which is the furthest thing from the truth.
Next time you’re scrolling through social media, if what you’re seeing isn’t empowering, inspiring or motivating you, hit unfollow.
Your mental health and confidence will improve so fast within a month!
3. It’s about awareness and how quickly you bounce back!
We all have slips ups in our actions/habits and words/thoughts – and that’s ok.
For instance, I find myself comparing my body or breasts to anther woman at least once a week.
I now quickly catch myself, pull myself back into a loving state and remind myself that nobody else’s beauty diminishes mine.
This will take time, but as it continues to happen it’ll get easier and easier and you’ll catch yourself quicker and quicker.
It’s not about being perfect, it’s about realizing that when a thought, person or action/habit isn’t serving you and then quickly doing something about it.
Don’t let things simmer or fester. Just be patient with you body and self and know that you’ll always be a work-in-progress.
You never “arrive“. You will always be growing and evolving. That’s life.
4. Regarding your breasts and scars after surgery.
Yes, your breasts will look smaller and like a deflated balloon right after surgery.
Don’t stress.
Over the course of a year your breasts are going to change shape and fill out.
Once you see how good you feel, the size of our breasts aren’t even going to matter.
I’d much rather have my small A cup and feel amazing than to go back to a D cup and feel run down everyday.
For most of you, it’s only going to be you and your husband looking at your breasts and scars, I assume.
It’ll be an adjustment for the both of you, but it’s nothing you guys can’t handle.
Plus, I’m going to bet as soon as your husband starts to see how much better you’re feeling and how much more energy you have, he’s going to adore and appreciate you and your decision even more.
Visit her website to learn more about her and how she can help you Reverse Breast Implant Illness.